Sunday, September 21, 2008

Studio Update!!

What's up everyone! We took a few, precious minutes away from the studio and stepped outside into the beautiful southern California sun to say hello to all of you and give you a quick update on our goings-on...


Brooklyn said...

nice haircut spencer.

Anonymous said...

So when are we going to learn more about these tracks you're recording? I'm so anxious to know what kind of material you're working on.

Annnd along the same lines of the comment above mine: Nice hat, Jason. Travis would be proud.

Anonymous said...

Jase, you can hardly sit tight, hm?

Guys, doesnt it irritate you that he shakes his leg all the time, haha??? But dont worry, we all do it :P

Anonymous said...

glad to hear its all goin great!

also glad you have travis in your prayers, alot of people dont even know what happened with glad you guys are up to date

Anonymous said...

Sexy part at the end, there. <3


And D: Travis Barker. T-T

Nilazz said...

Haha you guys are the greatest ! keep on rocking ! and ofc, givings us more great videos of yourself ;)

noone said...

noooo come backkkkkkkk =]
wooot recording!