Monday, September 15, 2008

What We Learned On Tour - Part 2


Anonymous said...

I have to say, this is one of your more random little adventures. I wish I knew the story behind this one. You're still a bunch of dorks, though. Love you guys. :P

Kathrina said...

wow. now i want to learn lol. very random but fascinating. u guys are the sheez. luv u.

noone said...

Go Go AMP Rangers!
(power rangers theme song plays)
Go Go AMP Rangers!
(song continues)
Go Go AMP Rangers... Mighty Morphin AMp Rangerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs!

hahaha this is one of my favorite videos of you guys

Brooklyn said...

I'm told a stab in the toe would be very painful.
Christian you look very graceful, I bet you're a great dancer.